I am exited to be teaching my first seminar on how to play with your God Particle
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Our thoughts create our reality; our emotions solidify it.

      Reality is solidified by the emotional frequency of the lens through which you look, feel, taste, touch, and hear. If you play the game we call Earth with a heart chakra that is open and alchemized into a singularity with the lens of unconditional love, you will discover that the lens through which you perceive your environment is actually a mirror. You will realize that whenever you cross paths with a frequency you interpret as non-loving, you are graced with viewing a piece of your totality that you have forgotten to love. We share one soul that has chosen to have consciousness in a reality where it has agreed to immerse itself in a mirage where it can experience the powerful, energetic state of separation. We have all felt alone and have used that void to explore realms of energy we could never have understood and harnessed to use for creation without knowing what it is like to see through the lens of isolation. I propose that it is time we create a new Earth game where we dance joyfully with one foot in the isolation of duality and the other in the bliss of singularity. We can teach each other the steps to this dance if we share stories of how we have remembered to heal by alchemizing with the lens of unconditional love. We are the world's teacher, and we need to play together and share our loving stories to remember how magnificent we are when we harmonize in the blissful state we call oneness.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, because what the world needs most are people who have come alive. “  -  Howard Thurman 

     We come alive by resonating in the “now” that Eckart Tolle describes in his beautiful books. Living in the now, we become one with an energy state where the purpose of our connection with others is apparent, effortless, and abundant. In the now, we thrive in the playground of creation that is brought into awareness through the dissociation of attachment to time. Without a past to regret or a future to fear, we are free to play creation in the openness of love. One could argue that the main problem with the planet is a lack of respect for life in all its forms. When you decide to love yourself, you unlock your heart. When your heart is unlocked, it expands, and your energy field remembers it is one with the cosmos. In this powerful oneness vibration, your mind finds a guide to understanding, respecting, and loving all states of matter in all time. We all struggle with self-love as we are boxed into the idea that love is conditional. It is time to remember that our cells and energy fields thrive when we are vibrating in the resonance of unconditional love. I think we can remember what unconditional love feels like by sharing stories about how we have witnessed it. Stories grace us with more pairs of shoes to walk in. The more steps of the journey of Earth we can understand through the energy of love, the stronger our compassion for others becomes. Increased compassion and connection weaken our ability to judge. When you live without judgment of yourself or others, your connection with Source/God/the divine strengthens. It may become so strong you remember you are God/the Divine/Source. When our minds discover the bliss of understanding that all the steps of our journeys are about finding new ways to love, the evolution of the planet into a more peaceful playground will occur. Through self-love and an open heart, we discover the privilege of realizing we are not just souls living a human existence but one-of-a-kind human mind/soul energy frequencies meant to share their gifts with all energy of creation through a symbiotic relationship with our one soul and God. The awe, wonder, and power you will incorporate as you strengthen this symbiosis will make you weep with gratitude, joy, and an understanding and compassion for others you will always want more of. Please share your healing story so we can share the steps of our common journey of remembering that our energy field thrives on love and creates magic when it thrives. I look forward to incorporating the wisdom of your story into the compassion of my heart so that I may open into a frequency of love where I can be of greater service to humanity. Our healing stories connect us and help us remember we are one. When our hearts connect as one, and our minds are surrendered to that loving cosmic playground frequency, we will create unimaginable beauty together. Thank you for playing Earth with me. You are so loved. Please share your story with me by emailing it to [email protected].
     Of note the inspiration for the blogs I write on this site comes from interactions with others and the vast library of books I have consumed. I have attached many of the books I have read to my gallery page. I do not want to take credit for others ideas. If you recognize someone else’s sentiment or ideas in my blogs I give credit to them for the idea. I have read extensively in the last few years and can at times not remember who to credit with the idea. I have also taken classes with Donna Eden of Eden Energy Medicine. Dr. Sue Morter, and Master Chunyi Lin of Springforest Qigong and recommend you discover what wonderful souls and teachers they are. 

Perspective of the day

This is an inspiration created by connection with other souls who have crossed paths with me to teach us both how to love more.


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This website was created and is maintained by Dr. Julie Foster, MD.   Her first book is now available for purchase with Amazon and other retailers. She wrote the book intending to guide your mind and energy field to a safe frequency where you can experience the bliss of a vulnerable heart, with no protective prison walls keeping it from sharing its love and wisdom.  We are the world teacher. Every fragment of our soul has wisdom to share. This book will help you awaken so you can feel blessed, proud, and humbled to share the loving and healing wisdom your fractal of our soul is destined to share with the cosmos. Julie ends many blogs in the book by saying, “I love you. We got this.” By the end of the book, you will embody the cosmic vibration of those words and share it in your interactions with other amazing versions of y/our soul. It is time to discover the joy of remembering who you truly are by “loving open.” Julie’s loving stories on how we heal will guide you to this reality.

This site has been created to share thoughts and hear stories that connect our souls so that we can inspire each other to shed the layers of pain and limiting beliefs that keep us from our birthright state of unconditional love. Please email me your story at the email address below or through our contact page if you would like me to share through this site how your human and soul have received more light.
Julie Foster, MD

Dr. Foster has been a board certified Family Physician since 2000 and was trained in medical acupuncture in 2015. She owns Flowing Chi Medical, a concierge medical practice in Carson City, NV. In addition to concierge care she offers in person medical acupuncture/energy healing treatments and remote healing sessions. For more information about her medical practice please visit: