My Story

     This website was created with the vision in mind that when we hear each other’s stories, our empathy and compassion have a vessel to grow in. Here is my story. I grew up in a small coastal town in Massachusetts, the daughter of a second-generation Portuguese immigrant and a first-generation French Canadian immigrant. My father, who was the second youngest of 8 children, moved to the USA from a French-speaking province in Canada when he was young. His family relocated to the USA to have access to better healthcare to accommodate his youngest sibling, who was born with cerebral palsy. From the rare stories told about his childhood, one can deduce that his childhood was filled with violence. Of course, this violence was never processed in a healing way.  Thus, this caused him to replicate some of the violent behaviors of his father with me and my three siblings.
    My mother, who was raised in a belief system that taught her to be a dutiful wife, and for other reasons, I can only speculate, did nothing to stop or prevent the violent outbursts. We, as a family, lived below the poverty level. My father never went beyond 8th grade in school partly because of the language barrier he had, as French was his first language, and because he dropped out of school to help his family financially. My mother was to stay at home mom who did not work until I was older. The gifts this childhood gave me were self-reliance, comfort in isolation, maturation into the mind of an adult at a young age, and a tremendous appreciation for nature (outdoors was always a sanctuary as you never wanted to be indoors). The voids were self-reliance, difficulty in trusting others, difficulty with vulnerability, and difficulty in allowing myself to feel. Understanding that we all have voids that heal when we share, rely on others, trust, and connect with others is why I created this website. It is our craters of pain from our unprocessed emotions and the perception of isolation that keep us trapped in a reality where we have lost the ability to understand how beautiful we are.
    Gratefully, my human body was gifted with intelligence, an ability to follow rules, a staunch work ethic, and athletic ability. From an early age, I excelled at sports and in the academic realm. I started working at age 11 on a farm and was responsible enough to open and close an ice cream stand by myself at age 13. These gifts and what I now see as a subconscious desire to lift the spirits of others, even at a young age, got the attention of some aware adults in my lifetime. These kind souls took me under their wing, loved me, complimented me, and worked hard for me to succeed. They not only paved the path for me to attend college but also worked hard to make sure it was the right college for me and to make sure it was paid for. When I did get to college, the love of more teachers, advisers, coaches, and the dean opened the doors and lit my path to medical school. I am forever grateful to all of these people. This gratitude grounds me, keeps me humble, and makes me strong.
     Once in college and no longer under the threat of the time bombs of rage I was used to living with, I was exposed to the concepts of unconditional love and friendship. I was blessed with crossing paths with beautiful souls, many of which I have felt I had played with in previous lifetimes, who, to this day, continue to lift me, love me, and expand my confidence. The idea that I could lift, love, and teach was born. Writing this today I can now even appreciate in college I experienced the gift of witnessing the power of what a group of people resonating at the same frequency of love can accomplish. I was fortunate to play volleyball, softball, and basketball in high school and college. My college volleyball and high school softball teams are in the Hall of Fame. Being on a team taught me when we worked together and achieved the same frequency of resonation as a team a bond of bliss was created. The laughter and bliss of this resonance can still easily be accessed 30 years later, and it is still so beautiful that it can bring me to tears.
     Next came medical school and residency. As you are working 80 to 100 hours a week without a whole lot of time for reflection in the process of becoming a board-certified physician, this time passed quickly. Once again, in writing this, I truly understand what I learned in this period. It was how beautiful vulnerability can be. Both a vulnerability on my part and on the part of the patient. It seems to me when two parties are equally vulnerable, the level of energetic resonance produced is unique and beautiful, and that frequency creates a soul bond. This connection is so precious and feels so good I wanted it to be part of my daily life. I guess thinking about it now, this is where I learned there is no greater gift than to be in an act of service to someone or something. Knowing you can be responsible for creating joy, safety, giggles, healing, and a warm hug creates a heaven on earth.
     The next part of my life was children. I met and married Guy Foster in medical school, and shortly after residency, we brought the first of our three daughters into the world. I have been fortunate enough to work only part-time since my children were born. Thus, I have been around to raise my kids, take others under my wing, and watch them grow as I learn from them. My daughters took a liking to softball, and I was fortunate enough to coach for nine years, including three years of high school softball. What I learned at this time is that our younger humans are some of the most beautiful souls on the planet. Many of them are old souls here to teach us powerful lessons if we are present enough to hear them. They also are having problems understanding how we have become so distanced from understanding the importance of not only human life but all life on the planet. We need to open our ears, eyes, and hearts to this beautiful group of individuals and allow them to teach us.
     The next and current phase of my life is the rapid growth and expansion phase. Coincidentally, with the introduction of Covid in 2020, my children were in a phase of life where they had achieved self-reliance. Covid is perceived by many as a taker. However, it did give us some gifts. It gave me the gift of time, and with that time, I began reading. I decided in 2015 to take an acupuncture class so that I would not have to practice medicine in the box that insurance companies and our government want it to be practiced in. I was able to start a concierge practice and start healing people with acupuncture.
     In 2020, I started to expand my healing techniques. I had time to explore energy healers like Donna Eden and Barbara Brennan. I have studied Qigong healing with Master Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest Qigong. I have learned craniosacral therapy techniques by reading books by John Upledger and Michael Shea. I also have read many books written by psychics and all sorts of therapists. I have beautiful patients who have been very supportive in allowing me to incorporate the healing techniques I have learned and create a unique technique for what they need at the time. These kind souls allowed me to work on finding ways to help them start their healing journey and gave me a place to do what I love most, which is to teach someone how to love themselves more and to find their birthright state of connection and embodiment of the frequency of unconditional love. In turn, almost every encounter I have at this time teaches me a lesson that, at many times, is so beautiful it can only be described with tears of joy.
     This website was created because I wanted to share the power and bliss of connection through resonance in unconditional love with you. The best way I know at this time to get more of us into this blissful resonance is to share stories of the many complex steps of our journeys that brought us to this state. The more stories we hear, the more pathways to the state of our birthright of unconditional love become available. More pathways incorporated into our collective vision through the gift of sharing means more humans learn how to find this unconditional love at a faster rate. More humans resonating in unconditional love means our planet will thrive again. Will you share your purposeful story with me for the benefit of others?

     I have been interviewed by Jenniffer Weigel twice for her podcast, The Jen Weigel Show. I was also humbled to be part of Abigail Zoe Matrin's Energy Unlimited exposition in July of 2023. The links to these events are below.

Contact Me

To learn more about Dr. Foster click the links below to gain access some of the podcast interviews she has given.

This site has been created to share thoughts and hear stories that connect our souls so that we can inspire each other to shed the layers of pain and limiting beliefs that keep us from our birthright state of unconditional love. Please email me your story at the email address below or through our contact page if you would like me to share through this site how your human and soul have received more light.
Julie Foster, MD

Dr. Foster has been a board certified Family Physician since 2000 and was trained in medical acupuncture in 2015. She owns Flowing Chi Medical, a concierge medical practice in Carson City, NV. In addition to concierge care she offers in person medical acupuncture/energy healing treatments and remote healing sessions. For more information about her medical practice please visit: